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    The Murder of Rusty Sneiderman- Part 2

    September 1, 2018 No Comments

    Part 2 of 2

    Rusty Sneiderman was murdered on November 18th, 2010 as he was leaving his son’s daycare after dropping him off for the day. His killer was known to him- his wife’s boss, Hemy Neuman. This story isn’t as cut and dry as it may seem- while we know that Hemy killed Rusty, it is still unknown whether Andrea (Rusty’s wife) had any part in the planning or commission of this murder. 

    The Death of Ruben Borchardt

    May 8, 2018 No Comments

    Ruben and Diane Borchardt were in the middle of a tense divorce when Ruben was shot and killed in his home on Easter morning in 1994. His estranged wife, Diane was a former teacher’s aide/study hall monitor at Jefferson High School in Wisconsin and was well-liked in the community. Soon after the murder, the community would learn that Diane had a darker side and of how she solicited the murder of her husband from high school students in her study hall. 
