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    Shirley Turner

    October 6, 2018 No Comments

    In 2001, 28-year-old Dr. Andrew Bagby is found dead in a park in Pennsylvania. He had been shot by his ex-girlfriend Shirley Turner, who then fled to Canada, where she was able to walk free on bail, pregnant with Andrew’s child. Andrew’s enraged parents moved to Canada to gain custody of the child and see their son’s killer convicted, only to have tragedy strike again. 

    Richardson Family Murders

    April 24, 2018 No Comments

    On April 23, 2006 an entire family is brutally murdered. But when police arrive, they find that 12 year old daughter Jasmine Richardson is nowhere to be found. Was she a victim? Did she participate in the attack? What kinds of kinky shit could a 12 year old even be into??? All this and more on this week’s episode. 


    *WARNING: All Canadian accents were harmed in the making of this episode. Please forgive us.*
